Friday, August 14, 2009

Michael is doing well today. He is playing on the couch and enjoying time with dad. He is eating better and still loves his English hot tea. He is smiling and playing a lot more. This morning he was playing with crayons. Putting them in the crayon bin and dumping them out. He would then play with Makayla and Tristan most of the morning. Tonight he is tickle daddy and sissy's feet. He slept pretty good last night. Michael is losing most of his eye lashes, but his still has his hair and eye brows. We don't know is the new chemo will make him lose his hair more. I guess we will see soon. Pray that Michael will do well with this new chemo., that it will not cause the severe diarrhea that can happen with the side effect. Also, pray that his Red, White and Platelets will call come back up well. Also, that his immune system will come up more.