Friday, September 18, 2009

Michael seems to be doing well. He was playing this morning with Tristan and Makayla. He even put together the crafts that we did today. Betty from our church gave me puppet kits for the children to put together. The children loved putting them together and then preforming a puppet show with them. Michael was saying hi to the pig Makayla made, I think it was his favorite.

It is so great to see him playing, smiling and just acting like a kid again. Looking back at the last 5 months, it is amazing how fast the days and months went by.. I can't believe Michael will be starting chemo number 7 in just 1 1/2 weeks. With flu season coming and the hard chemo starting, we will not be able to be out and about much longer. When Michael's immunity starts to drop and then come back up we have to be very careful. So for 2 1/2 weeks after the chemo is given we can not go anywhere. Then about the time he is good the next cycle starts. We pray that these two cycles will shrink the tumor to nothing and the remove any remaining nodules in his lungs.

By the way, it is OK to call us. We all ways have time for our friends and family.

God bless,