Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Michael's test came back and his liver panel (AST, ALT) has come back up again. This time it is at 254. Normal is 5-44 at this lab. I contacted Dr. Craig and he said to go back on Friday and have the test done once again. He feels that it might be a virus and not related to the cancer that was there. If the test comes back even higher next time then we will be going in for an ultrasound. They want to find out if there is something that is maybe on the liver. Maybe a cyst or something like that on or near the liver. Anyway, we should know more on Friday. Please pray for Michael to get a normal level for his liver panel test.

Makayla is feeling sick so she is resting in her room and watching a movie. Please pray for her to feel better.

So far everyone else is feeling good.